Our Story

LYDE - Live your dream every day / AVP - aloua vision & print

LYDE aka LYDE Clothing isn't just a meaning, it's a feeling on the inside, it's our hopes and dreams
we always dreamed of growing up, the conversations, the endless imaginations of what life would be like to be “someone”, do something successful or win lotto.

LYDE represents a journey of not only looking towards the sky’s and contemplating our life, hopes n' dreams, but realizing we have options, we may not have all the same opportunities, but we always have options in some shape or form. We just need to identify our goal, work towards it and believe in yourself.

It’s so important to understand a step forward today is a step closer than we were yesterday, be motivated, be consistent and keep moving, when you come up against a wall, don't surrender, instead look for a hidden door, a way over or around the wall, there is always a decision to be made and a direction to be taken, the trick is to start.

Overall, LYDE is about actually beginning your journey and working towards what you want,
to create your own opportunities, to create the life you want, to do something meaningful and fulfilling that gives you enjoyment.

Be kind, be humble and never stop dreaming!

LYDE Clothing